Make your teacher support more effective

Increase student achievement by improving your instructional coaching and teacher evaluation programs.



EdSightful is a simple application that helps schools more effectively run their instructional coaching and teacher evaluation programs.


Mobile-Friendly Data Collection

School leaders are often on-the-go and frequently use mobile devices to collect data. Whether collecting instructional coaching or teacher observation data, EdSightful’s solution is mobile-friendly so that data collection is meaningful and easy.


Powerful Data Visualization

Data can often be overwhelming, cumbersome, and not relevant to the mission. EdSightful’s dashboards allow school and district leaders to easily visualize important data and make informed decisions.


Easily Integrates with G Suite for Education

Many schools and districts are already using the G Suite for Education to empower teachers and streamline administrative tasks. EdSightful runs on the Google platform and easily integrates with G Suite for Education.