What We Do
We offer customized solutions to help you better manage people and processes. We create systems in the Google Suite that make it easy to collect and visualize your data, ultimately allowing for better insights about your program.
Student-Centered Coaching with Diane Sweeney
Diane Sweeney is an authority on student-centered coaching and helps schools and districts implement high quality coaching programs. The student-centered coaching model is unique because it focuses on student learning (versus simply teacher actions), ultimate impacting instructional practice and student achievement.
This tool built in the Google Suite helps schools and districts easily track their student-centered coaching coaching cycles using the results-based coaching tool - allowing for easy data collection and better insight about coaching!
Teacher Evaluations
Teacher quality is the number one factor contributing to student achievement and teacher evaluations are a critical part of the continuous improvement process. However, many schools and districts have cumbersome, outdated, and/or paper-based evaluation processes and it is difficult to effectively use evaluations to improve teachers.
This tool makes it easy for school leaders to see which teachers have been observed, the observation rating, and important details about the observation.
Customized Instructional Coaching Tool
Recent research shows that instructional coaching is a promising alternative to traditional models of professional development. Many schools and districts are using instructional coaching as a lever to improve teachers, but most do not have an effective way to manage their coaching programs.
A customized tool makes it easy work within a district’s current processes, including highlighting which teachers are receiving support, the frequency of support, and important details about each coaching cycle.